Monday, September 5, 2011


Dreams, Intuition and the Inner Life

 September is a pivotal month during which the outward-directed energy of summer begins to shift inward in preparation for the six months spent in the darkness of the Earth Mother's womb.
This month we will review our lives in the form of spiritual autobiography.
We will open our sixth sense by noticing synchronicities, and we will enter the world of dreams.
September is the gateway to Mystery, and as the Medicine Wheel turns from summer to fall, we are greeted by the Archangel Raphael
--the Healer of God--
who remedies the sickness of belief in perfection by administering the great medicine of wholeness. Listen to the voices of the Ancient Ones 
who call from the mycelial mat that grows beneath the forest floor:

The inner and outer
harvests are complete
and the storehouse of the unconscious
is swept clean.
We enter the Gates of Mystery
through the Dreamworld
descending into the
fertile darkness in which our souls
are made new again.

excerpt from Pocketful of Miracles: Prayers, Meditations, and Affirmations to Nurture Your Spirit Every Day of the Year, by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. 

My yoga teacher reads to us during savasana and this is what she read the other morning. It's been hanging with me as so much of it has been feeling so true and right as we enter this new month that I want to share it. My dreams have been hauntingly real. Have yours? Things I've been needing, like gathering with friends and family, have seemingly just happened for me -- synchronicity's clearly at play. What synchronicities are you noticing?

The "great medicine of wholeness" has been deftly offered to me in difficult-to-swallow, yet somehow just-right doses. Dark moments have come on mysteriously and left me clearer and even energized as I rode them out, grasping their meaning when I could and trusting my strength and safety through the discomfort. There's something here about enoughness, I think. This inflection point between summer and fall being the time that we get to notice, perhaps for this first time, areas where we've been trying too hard seeking perfection, areas that need to heal.

I wonder what messages lie in my Dreamworld? This passage has given me food for thought and a bit of the magical spark that I love to move me onward and upward toward the coming season. What does the transition toward fall-time mean for you?

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