Yesterday someone asked me, "How are you planning for 2012?"
This got me thinking, "Am I planning for 2012? Is planning even my thing?"
...and so, I've been sitting with these questions and here is what came to me...
I am enjoying the winding down of the season, the shortening of the days, and the lengthening of the nights. I have been turning inward, sleeping more, reading more, spending more time alone (is that even possible??) and feeding my body what it craves. Interestingly, the days and nights have been gorgeously clear and crisp, the sun-shadows-scents-wind-stars-moon richly present. I've been feeding my soul with nature's beauty and have noticed the few-and-far-between conversations I'm having with others are deep and wonderful. Mmmm...
I am spending time this week and next in the mindset of strategic planning. I'm initiating some changes for my business and my vision for these changes is HUGE! I'm giving this vision room to step forth and take form. ...and in the midst of making room, people have stepped in to help and support me... Who knew?
I am beginning to reflect, but not dwell, on my past experiences, wins, failures (Ta Da!!), awarenesses, pains, achievements, fears, and connections. I may focus on this calendar year or I may not. Lately I've been noticing stuff from my early childhood and my late teenage years that deserves refection, too. I'm also reflecting on the synchronicities I've encountered in just the span of last week or yesterday or this morning, for that matter. It's a practice of witnessing my past with loving curiosity and equanimity. I'm witnessing a life of adventure and discovery unfolding before my very own inward gaze. Wow!
Now, for me, since I've been asked, I can honestly say that I have been planning and at the same time reflecting and being very present in each moment. ...and as I step back, I can see that planning is my thing in this organic sort of way. I wouldn't say that my plans are bounded neatly within the next calendar year, however. As I take a good look, I can see that my plans range from broad to specific, simple to complex, and as near term as this afternoon, as long term as my whole foreseeable life. For me, 2012 is less an interval to plan within and more a milestone filled with milestones -- to reach, to witness, to look back and reflect upon.
What about you? How are you planning for 2012? Is planning even your thing? Please share by leaving a comment.