Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Distractions, distractions and more distractions

I don't know if it's spring fever or the full moon, but I just can't seem to focus today! My plan to be productive keeps getting waylaid by friendly phone calls, drop-in visits and a general lack of concentration. Humpf.

Trusting my instincts by heeding my method of wisely chasing synchronicities, I find guidance right in my inbox -- apparently I'm not alone. ElizabethPW's been musing about something similar and her strife seems to be pointing to cluttered thoughts and that great teacher: Resistance. Molly Gordon has written a post that helps me to see that this distraction may in part be caused by electronic clutter.

Now my awareness has been sharpened. I'm thankful for my mentors and my ability to be flexible with myself and my plans. I can now ask myself, "What is it about my 'plan' that I'm resisting?" That's something to identify and work through with my coach. I can also reduce the clutter, both in my electronic inbox and in my office. De-cluttering is my new priority. Knowing this, I feel relieved and back on track. Phew!

Are you feeling distracted? If so, what's the culprit, really, and what sort of guidance, if any, have you received to help you to know what to do about it?

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