Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's what I do!

So, I've been spending ALOT of time lately working to come up with ordinary words to describe just what it is that I do and just how it is that I am. This is really important stuff! I mean, I'm "coming out" as a coach who provides a really amazing service. ...the service of helping people to find ease while they're busily working to save the world! It's no small feat, this business of saving the world. It can be so overwhelming and full of uncertainty and struggle. Yet, this is the work that my clients simply MUST do -- they are taking responsibility for an actual portion of the change that's happening right now -- they are being the change they wish to see in the world. ...and I grant them ease.

Yes, it's kind of magical and pragmatic all at once, this service that I provide. Granting ease. So how do I say that this is what I do? How do I describe myself in simple terms that bodes well with both the magical powers I possess that allow me to actually bestow this quality on others and my matter-of-fact, no bullshit style that doesn't tolerate alot of intangible blither.

One thing that I'm going to do is play with metaphor a bit to see what comes. There's this awesome teacher and inspirer named Havi Brooks that I've recently learned about who specializes in what she calls destuckification. Her blog post I am metaphor mouse! Zapping the Tickler. provides a wonderful example that will allow me to brainstorm from both sides of my brain. Yippee! What fun! I can already feel it going in alot of directions all at once (there goes my own saving-the-world nature considering the sheer magnitude of the ripple effect of our collective efforts) and see myself working to stay focused on developing the metaphor at hand while simultaneously honoring emerging metaphors as they materialize.

My situation:
I want you to understand just what it is that I do. Even more, I want to give myself a title that says something about who I am that serves what what I do. I want to be able to say it in a way that doesn't sound woo-woo or esoteric, yet imparts a feeling of magic. I want it to be in ordinary language (says the matter-of-fact, no bullshit me) that anyone with a college education and at least 27 years of life experience can understand, yet despite its ordinary-ness, it will evoke sheer relief and a sense of wanting to hear lots more in a good number of them. Oh, and I want to boil it down to two words or less.

I'm going to spend the next day or so donning the cape and mask of Metaphor Mouse (read with a big announcer voice and echo effect with Black Sabbath playing in the background) and look forward to seeing what is unleashed! (did I mention that there's also a certain wildness to the quality of who I am?) If you're like me and feeling stuck on a word or words that just aren't fitting the use you have in mind for them, I'd love it if you'd join me in the adventure. See you on the other side!

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