Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

Quick! Name three things you're happy about right now.

Ugh. It's Monday and it's a pretty typical one, which can mean that it might be just a little difficult to tap into that happy place. It's times like these that I revive myself with this little technique. You see, there once was a time that I would fall into deep inconsolable depression and despair practically every Sunday evening, just before bedtime. I knew that Monday was just around the corner, which meant the beginning of another week of working in a world that didn't understand me, being with friends who didn't support me (not really), and living a life that didn't feel like it fit me at all. Thank God I'm past that painful phase! I've learned so much since then. Yet occasionally, when something big in my life shifts or I become overly exhausted, those feelings of desperate isolation and deep sadness burrow their parasitic little heads into my skin to feed. This immediately brings me back to the bleakness of those Sundays, which I thank for the depth of their lesson. Next I acknowledge my ability to be resilient and open to possibility, then shift my attention toward the present moment. Here's where I ask myself to play along for just a few minutes. Ready? Okay...

Close your eyes and breathe slowly, inhaling deeply into your belly. Allow your exhales to soften your shoulders, your neck. Feel the surface of the chair that's beneath you -- feel it holding you. Sense the floor beneath the chair, uncross your legs and plant your feet solidly there. Breathe. Now allow yourself to scan your internal landscape. Notice how you feel in your body as you move your attention to your different parts. Breathe. Just notice. Take another deep breath.

Quick! Name three things you're happy about right now. Ah! Okay, I think I can do this...

I'm happy about my home. I love that I've managed to make this place pretty much just the way I want it. I'm comfortable here and it really feels just right. Ah...

I'm happy about my personal freedom. Wow! This is a big one. So often I see and hear people complaining and feeling victimized by their circumstances. I'm so affected by this that it feeds my own ability to choose to remain in a state of personal growth. This ability to choose is the personal freedom that I'm talking about here. Good stuff.

Petra, my younger dog. She's my daily reminder that there's boundless possibility for adventure, joyful excitement and soul-feeding surprises in each new day.

So, how about you? What 3 things are making you happy right now?

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