Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Detachment of Heroic Proportions

There's an overwhelming sense of angst in the air today and it seems to be coming from the debilitating shadow cast by that evil nemesis, the Great Unknown.

I spent a good part of the morning diving into what it is that I don't know to see what I could learn from it and here's what I found:

1) What I don't know is WAY more than what I do know. Not only does this mean that I have alot more to learn, it also and possibly even more importantly means that I can't possibly know everything or even most of everything. This is somehow freeing in that I'm able to give myself permission to not know. Hey! I get to not know! I don't have to have all the answers. phew.

2) Since what I don't know is WAY more than what I do know, it requires a ton of room to exist within. This means that I can't possibly hold the space within myself for all there is that I don't already know. It's no wonder that I'm feeling yucky and over-taxed. I've been trying to contain all this unknown somehow! Who do I think I am? Hercules?

3) Realizing that I'd been trying to contain way more than what was mine to contain, I called upon a few members of my support team: meditation, a good cry, and talking it out. I'm now feeling at least a bit more present and have purged a good portion of the angst.

4) Now exhausted, yet softened and more pliant, I can feel the hold of the Great Unknown loosen its grip as I, too, loosen mine. I'm reminded to let go of any attachment I have to the outcomes that I hope for and to simply trust that I am doing what I can, showing up to be with what is, and responding just as I do, without worrying that I have to get it exactly right. A wise woman I know said this recently and it's really resonating with me right now: "When I let go of the control, and respond from a place that is grounded, detached, and confidently secure (it doesn't matter what happens - both outcomes are good ones), I get the response that I'm hoping for and then some."

...and so, feeling very relieved that I don't have to know everything and I don't have to carry the weight of the entirety of the unknown either, I'm feeling a sense of safety and spaciousness around me. I'm grateful for the support of others and my courage to sit with the unknown.

What about you? Are you ready to dive in to the Great Unknown to see what you can learn? Do it. You'll feel better in the long run, I promise. I'd love to hear how it goes!


  1. LOVE this! I have been such a detailed perfectionist for so long, and I'm slowly learning to let go. We don't have to know everything!!!
